lunes, 23 de mayo de 2016

The meaning of the dreams

The meaning of the dreams🌙

For 90 minutes to two hours or more each night, every single person on Earth dreams. Sometimes, the dreams are straightforward in their meaning to the dreamer: a long-lost friend reappears, a tropical beach beckons or the lottery jackpot is within reach.

But dreams don’t always tell a simple story, and the field of dream research becomes even more fascinating when people from different cultures and backgrounds report having similar dreams.

Dreaming of famous or fame

Dreaming of a meeting with a famous person, it may mean that soon receive an interesting offer. You will have changes in your life. There is a possibility that fulfill a personal goal achieved. Famous represent our cultural heroes, and dream of them can mean that you are prepared to join them. If you dream that you are famous, it means that their current ambitions are out of reach. If you dream that a friend or lover becomes famous, it means that fears losing the friendship and loyalty of that person.

Dreaming of a chase or escape

Many people dream they are chasing them a scary thing. This means that the time has come to start looking for your destination. It is not yet ready to leave behind elements in your life that prevent follow in their path. If you dream that pursues the thing that catches you, it means that a lot of work and effort ahead. If he manages to escape, it is almost free, to face a new path in life. Pursues dream that something can also mean that you refuse to accept a point of visa or an idea. And if you're the one chasing another, it may be that in real life is not given the authority to search. 

Dreaming of a fall

It represents one of the most common dreams. It may mean you are afraid of losing the respect of others. It may represent financial difficulties, or that you are going to loss the love of someone. If you dream you are falling, you land and suddenly wakes up, this represents a call to arrange own affairs in the real world. If you land and sleep, then it follows the answer to your problem lies in the outcome of the dream. It may be that it has failed to achieve a goal. If damage is done falling in your dream, it may be that it will find problems or will miss a friendship. If you see someone fall, he has a repressed desire that person harm.

Dreaming of being naked

Contrary to what seems, often this dream is not a sexual dream. Usually it represents a sense of not feeling up to an event in his life. It can also mean, afraid that someone find out something that prefer to hide. If you see a naked person in your sleep and causes disgust, it means that concerns discover the truth about that person or a situation. It can also mean an illicit love affair, loss of prestige and scandalous activities. On the other hand, if you have no problems with nudity person in your dream, it means that is able to understand people and accept them as they are.

To dream that you are pregnant

Is said to dream of a pregnancy has to do with creativity, with the desire to do something different. Something like search times of the day to do what he liked to do small or young: singing, painting, dancing, screaming, running, daydreaming, travel ... things he did or wanted to do and did not do.

Is something like a push "that gives you mind telling you that you have to change something in your life. Enjoy it, that live more intensely, than provoke a change, you start a new project, like someone looking for a baby , she becomes pregnant and gives birth to his son. his life changes completely, full of illusion, dreams and expectations.

Nieves wanted the meaning of eating rats and mice on dreams is relates to charges of conscience suffer after a bad action. Never is too late to ask for forgiveness.

Top 60 Dreams And Meanings

Rocío Díaz López 2ºB

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