domingo, 1 de mayo de 2016

Places where english is taught.

                    ENGLISH AND AUSTRALIA


    Australia is a State of Oceania placed to the southeast of Asia, between the oceans India,on the west and south, and Pacific Ocean to the east. 

An enormous part of the country is desert or semiarid although exits a big diversity of habitats from alpine moor to tropical rainy forests. 

In the fauna of Australia there are the famous kangaroos, koalas, emus,   duck-billed platypus, etc.


                            The english the official lenguage

   The australian english progressed to the britanic english in a process that began after the foundation of the colony of New South Wales in 1788. 

   Existed some influences of hiberno-english. Some influences: the pronunciation of H like “haitch” /hæɪtʃ/ instead of aitch” /æɪtʃ/ or the use of the word me instead of my for example Where is me hat? instead of Where is my hat?.

 -The spelling: the australian spelling is very similar to british with few exceptions, for example program is more comon that programme.

-The varieties: exits three principals varieties of australian english:
    ·Broad Australian English, it's familiar for the english-speakers because his use identify australians personages in films for example.
    ·General Australian English, it's the varieties that use the major part of the habitants.
    ·Cultivated Australian English, it's the most similar to the pronunciation british. This variety is spoken for less of 10% population.

Also exist regionals varieties in pronunciation and accent, for examples the nouns like castle, dance, chance, advance, etc.

-The phonology: the consonantal sounds are similar to the consonantal sounds of british english. The vocalic sounds of australian-english are divided in two categories: long, that it includes the long monophthongs and the diphthongs, and short, that it includes to other monophthongs. In the consonant the phonemes /t/ and /d/ transform in /r/. 

Simple vocalic of australian-english
Diphthongs of australian-english

-The vocabulary: australian-english has some word that australians consider unique in his country. Examples: outback that mean whatever places populated.                                                                                         bush that mean a wood or whatever rural place.
                  creek that mean little river.
                 padock that mean forest.
                 dinkum that mean true ("It is true?" "yes, it's dinkum").
                 g'day, gretting australian, it isn't use like a synonym of good day also it can be used for the night and it's never used to say goodbye.

To sum up, there aren't much word that had been adopted in the general lenguage exept for some regionals words.

                                                                                      Angélica Perejón Martín

1 comentario:

  1. Australia and the kangaroos, koalas,... amazing place for visiting and doing activities like mountain bike, and the famous diving in the Great Barrier Reef!!! Love Australia!!
