lunes, 23 de mayo de 2016

Game of Thrones is an American epic fantasy series created by David Benioff and D. B. Weiss. It is based on the George R R Martin's series of novels A Sonf of Fire and Ice, which first book is titled Game of Thrones. 

The story of A son of Ice and Fire (as in Game of Thrones) is located in the continents of Westeros and Essos. Here, we can differentiate three situations or three points of view: The first one tells the civil war beetwen noble houses for the Iron Throne of the Seven Kingdoms (that is, the fight for getting the power and the crontrol of the Kingdom). The second one shows us the efforts of getting back the Throne by Daenerys Targaryen from Essos, where she and her brother were expelled, for being the heirs of the last dynasty of the Seven Kingdoms, after a long war. The last one is about the menace of the White Walkers, fantasy criatures who came from the north.

*Here you can watch a trailer of the first season of the series*

One of the most characteristic things of Game of Thrones is the huge number of characters. This is the series with the biggest cast of the history: during the production of the third season 257 names were registered like part of the cast. That's why it is really difficult to name the main characters but, making an effort, we can say that they are:


Daenerys Targaryan, she is daughter of the last king before the Usurper War. After this conflict, she and her brother had to left their home and they had to go to Essos. She lives controlled by her brother, who wants to be the king of the Seven Kingdoms.

Lord Eddar Stark, (Ned Stark), is the lord of Winterfield, located in the North. He has to left his home because the king, Robert, asked him to be the King's Hand (the adviser). He is a man honourable. He has six sons, one of them of a different woman.

Cersei Lannister is the king's wife. She has got three sons. She is really clever, proud and ambitious, she can do anything to get what she wants. The most important things for her are her children and the power. She has got a twin: Jamie Lannister


Tyrion Lannister is brother of Jamie and Cersei Lannister. He is called "half-man" and "gnomo" because he suffers dwarfism. He is really clever and he loves reading books, drinking wine and having a conversation. His sarcasm and irony make him one of the funniest and lovest characters.

Jon Snow is the bastard of Nedd Stark and, because of that, he feels that Winterfield isn't his home so he goes to the Night Watch, where men deffends the north of the White Walkers.

All this characters belongs to a noble house. Each house has got his own motto, standart and castle. In this picture we can see the nine houses:

George R R Martin has confessed him like a history lover so he has recognise that he has taken lots of things of history to inspire his novels.

First of all, we can see lots of similarities with the War of the Roses, a battle between two english houses of the Middle Age. This conflict and the similarities with Game of Thrones are explained in this video:

The Wall that, in the series, deffends the north of the White Walkers, could be inspired in the wall who deffends Britannia against the Roman Empire. Also, the appaerance of the England Islands looks like the appaerance of Westeros.                  

Maybe, in this two pictures we can found resemblances but, the thruth is that the map of the England Islands has to change little things to looks like Westeros.


 In this picture we can see it clearly, can't we?

 In addition to this, the Battle of BlackWater of the series seems like the different efforts to conquer Constantinopla.
Equally, the character of Tyrion Lannister seems like the roman emperor Claudio. Like Tyrion, Claudio had some physical impairment (he was blind in one eye and he was stammerer) and because of that, he was moved away from the power. Finally, he arrived to the throne and he demonstrated that he was able to be a great emperor. During his reign, the Empire had the most brilliant term after the emperor Augusto.

On the one hand, one of the things that has made this series popular is the appaerance of undress women, sex scenes too explicit for many people, realistic scenes of murders and other things that doesn't appear (normally) on TV like incest. Lots of religious people have protested because of that but the directors of Game of Thrones have asked them to read the Bible. "There is more incest in that book than in all the seasons of our series" They have said. If you don't like this kind of scenes, you can think that you won't like this series. In my opinion, sex is something without important in the series so they don't impede you to enjoy of an amazing story.
 On the other hand, it is thought that the series is sexist and that gives a bad image of women because there are lots of scenes where girls appear undress or where they are raped. As I see it, it is just the opposite: If women appear in that scenes is because this series shows the lifes of women in the Antiquity in a realistic way. In addition to this, women appear like strong, determined, intelligent and powerful people. They don't resign themselfs and they take the important decisons. Daenerys, Cersei, Arya are examples of this.

So, we all this information, we can wonder: Why should I watch Game of Thrones ?

As we had see, this series has taken lots of things of history so there are conspiracies, betrais, lies, pacts and lots of reflections. You will see how the different characters employ all their intelligence to protect their family, their kingdom, their power or to get something that they think that belongs to them.

Also, another thing that makes this series special is that everybody can die. It doesn't matter if they are protagonists, kings, children, heroes... Like in real life, all the characters can suffer all kinds of accidents. That makes people to be alert and to can't stop reading, becasue they want their favourite characters to be alive. It also allow George RR Martin to invent and introduce new characters so that the story never bore.
Lots of jokes have been made about this aspect, as we can see in these pictures.

* In this link, you can read the George R R Martin explanation about this fact.*

To conclude I'm going to show you some videos of my favourite scenes of the series without important spoilers. So... If you haven't seen the series yet, I have got a question for you... What are you waiting for?  If you can't watch the video in the blog, clik the link.

 By Nieves González Gil, 2ºB

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