martes, 24 de mayo de 2016


An interesting visit around Punta Umbría, seeing the most important places and the main history of the town. An interview on the beach to see what the British think of the beach! See it!

                              A video by Julio Bernal Sánchez

The Last of Us

The Last of Us is an action-adventure survival horror video game developed by Naughty Dog and published by Sony Computer Entertainment. It was released for the PlayStation 3 on June 14, 2013. An updated version, The Last of Us Remastered, was released for the PlayStation 4 on July 29, 2014.
Players control Joel, a man tasked with escorting a young girl named Ellie across a post-apocalyptic United States.


The Last of Us is a post-apocalyptic action-adventure survival horror game that is viewed from a third-person perspective. Players traverse post-apocalyptic environments, moving through locations such as towns, buildings, and sewers to advance through the game's story. Players use firearms, improvised weapons, and stealth to defend against hostile humans and cannibalistic creatures infected by a mutated strain of the Cordyceps fungus. For most of the game, players control Joel—a man tasked with escorting a young girl named Ellie across the United States; Ellie and other companions are controlled by the artificial intelligence. Players also control Ellie throughout the game's winter segment.

In combat, players can use long-ranged weapons, such as rifles, shotguns, and bows, and short-barreled guns, such as pistols and revolvers; players can scavenge limited-use melee weapons, such as pipes and baseball bats. Bottles and bricks can be thrown to distract, stun, or attack enemies. The game features a crafting system, allowing players to upgrade weapons at workbenches using collected items. Equipment such as health kits and Molotov cocktails can be found or crafted using collected items. Physical abilities, such as the health meter and crafting speed, can be upgraded by collecting pills and medicinal plants. Should players take damage, their health meter can be recharged through the use of health kits.

The player character is crouching, with his companion nearby. Enemies lurk in the distance, with a white outline alerting players of their location.
The game's Listen Mode allows players to discover the position of enemies by displaying their outline, achieved through a heightened sense of hearing and spatial awareness.
Though players can attack enemies directly, they have the option to use stealth tactics to attack undetected or sneak by them. Stealth combat uses a gameplay mechanic called "Listen Mode", which allows players to effectively locate enemies through a heightened sense of hearing and spatial awareness. When using Listen Mode, an outline of the enemies becomes visible to players, allowing them to view enemies in different locations.

 A dynamic cover system is present, in which players crouch behind obstacles to gain a tactical advantage during combat. The game features periods without combat, often involving conversation between the characters. Players solve simple puzzles, such as using floating pallets to move Ellie, who is unable to swim, across bodies of water, and using ladders or dumpsters to reach higher areas. Story collectibles, such as notes, maps and comics, can be scavenged and viewed in the backpack menu.

The game features an artificial intelligence system in which hostile human enemies react to any combat situation they are placed in. If enemies discover the player, they may take cover or call for assistance, and can take advantage of players when they are distracted, out of ammunition, or in the midst of a fight. Players' companions, such as Ellie, can assist in combat by throwing objects at threats to stun them, announcing the location of unseen enemies, or using a knife and pistol to attack enemies.

The game's online multiplayer allows up to eight players to engage in competitive gameplay in recreations of multiple single-player settings. The game features three multiplayer game types: Supply Raid and Survivors are both team deathmatches, with the latter excluding the ability to respawn; Interrogation features teams investigating the location of the enemy team's lockbox, and the first to capture such lockbox wins. In every mode, players select a Faction—Hunters (a group of hostile survivors) or Fireflies (a revolutionary militiar group)—and keep their clan alive by collecting supplies during matches. Each match is equal to one day; by surviving twelve "weeks", players have completed a journey and can re-select their Faction. Killing enemies, reviving allies, and crafting items earn the player parts that can be converted to supplies; parts can also be scavenged from enemies' bodies. Players are able to carry more equipment by earning points as their clan's supplies grow. Players can connect the game to their Facebook account, which alters clan members' names and faces to match the players' Facebook friends. Players have the ability to customize their characters with hats, helmets, masks, and emblems.

lunes, 23 de mayo de 2016

Famous fiction characters who are very important in the world

   We live in a world which is full of symbols and icons. Many of them come from cinema, literature or animated cartoons, and they have become famous and unmistakable signs used in a comercial way but also with social objectives. Here, we have chosen two of them: Mafalda and Spider-Man. The two both became well-known thanks to their comics.

    Mafalda made her official debut as a comic strip in a magazine called "Primera Plana", on September the 29th 1964. However, her creator, the Argentinian draughtsman Quino, a very modest person, said that he wrote first time Mafalda the year before, to advertise a new line of electrical appliances, Mansfield , without any big intention. This publicity campaign wasn't done, and later, Quino decided to rescue this cartoons.

   This particular girl has been in different publications, like "El Mundo" and "Siete días ilustrados". Mafalda is a child who, although she is so little, is very clever. She is concerned about humanity, the world peace and justice, and she criticises and rebels against her parents world and society.

Here, we can see Mafalda's evolution across the time

   Mafalda also gave her opinion about important events like Vietnam war, the poverty in the Third World, the Moon arrival, Human Rights, Kennedy's murder, sex, discrimination, religion and her problems, psychoanalysis and, of course, feminism (in an epoque when it wasn't so supported) among many other topics. She turned early into the symbol of Argentinian people and the problems of their society.

   The last publication was in 1973. Nevertheless, Mafalda's fame and importance around the world have been increasing a lot since then, and she is still an example of some of the most beautiful ideals of justice, equality and common sense, with Quino's greatest humor. 

   We can appreciate the impact of this character and all she means in the different important moments she has taken part. For example, in 1977, UNICEF asked Quino to draw Mafalda because of the internacional campaign of the Declaration of the Rights of the Children. You have some pictures below.

   Also, after the failed coup d'etat against Alfonsín in Argentina (1987), Quino made another drawing with Mafalda in favour of justice, liberty and life. Mafalda will always be loved and remember as a friendly character and, most important, as an icon of the fight for the Human Rights.

Click here to watch a video about her importance and his 50 years celebration

   We are going to talk now about one of the most famous superheros ever: Spider-Man. He was born in 1962, created by the co-creator of many of Marvel Comics superheros: Stan Lee, and the draughtsman Steve Ditko. When this thing happened, the company didn't like him so much and Spider-Man made his debut in a minor line, Amazing fantasy.

This is the comic where Spider-Man made his debut

   Lee and Ditko created a very original character, because he was, at the beginning, a "loser": Peter Parker is a weak and an isolated who is orphaned and live with his uncles. He is bitten by a spider and, as a consequence, he gets superpowers, which means a big responsability for him. One of the purposes of the creators was to invent a character who young people could feel identified with. This peculiarities, his charisma and the wonderful villains like Green Goblin, Lizzard, Doctor Octopus or Venom, made him so popular, and now they still publish Spider-Man comics.

   We can see the popularity of this character on the big screen: there are five films starred by him, and this year he is one of he stars of the most box-office earner film of 2016: Captain America: Civil War. Also, Spidey is going to have another new movie next year, and lots of fans are looking forward to watch it. In addition, in the comics, there are more than one Spider-Man, so we guess we will have this superhero for a long time.

   Finally, there is an incredible merchandising about Spider-Man: T-shirts and clothes, school material, many different toys and a wide range of all products you can imagine. One of the most interesting things we have found is the advertising below, which we have already seen last term, about blood-donating and the fact that everyone who donate is a hero. And, of course, we must mention the amazing Spider-Man theme, whose best version is the one of The Ramones (1996).

 Spider-Man appearance in 2016 film: Captain America Civil War

Blood-donating advertisement, where we can see Spidey's arm like an example of superhero.

We have here the videocliop of "Spider-Man" (The Ramones). It is very catchy!

   That is all. If you liked this two characters and the importance and sense they have, you can search, read or watch anything you want about them. They are fantastic.

José Trashorras Martínez

 The Kingkiller Chronicle

I am going to talk about the birth of two of my favorite books and its brother, in process. The protagonist of our story is the American writer Patrick Rothfuss. Its gestation begins in 1991, when Patrick got registered in the university.

Originally Rothfuss was planning to study chemical engineering, but he changed to clinical psychology, and he finally got registered as "not declared" after three years studying any subject that attracted his interest. During this period he started to work on an extremely long novel of fantasy called The Song of Flame and Thunder.

He was graduated in 1999 with a degree in English. After taking  a teacher's course in the University of Washington, he returned to teach in Stevens Point. After completing The Song of Flame and Thunder, Rothfuss sent it to several publishing houses, but it was rejected. In 2002 he won the competition “Writers of the future” with The Road to Levinshir, an extract of his novel. Then Rothfuss sold his novel to DAW Books.

The Song of Flame and Thunder was divided in a series of three volumes titled The Kingkiller Chronicle. The first volume, The name of the wind, was published in April, 2007. The novel won that year the Award Quill to the best fantasy / science fiction novel and appeared in the list of best sellers of the New York Times. The wise man’s fear, was published in March, 2011 and it debuts the first week of its release. Currently, Patrick Rothfuss is checking the third installment, provisionally titled The doors of stone, and he is an assistant professor of literature and English philology at Wisconsin’s University, where he was born.

This way my two friends arose. Next I am going to tell you a brief summary of everything that they contain.

The name of the wind:

-Synopsis: I have stolen princesses from dying kings. I set fire to the city of Trebon. I have spent the night with Felurian and have woken up living and sanely. They expelled me from the University at an age when they don’t allow the majority to enter yet. I have gone over ways at night that others don’t dare to speak even in the daytime. I have spoken with gods, I have loved women and written songs that make the bards cry.

"My name is Kvothe. You may have heard of me. "

-Summary: Kvothe is a legendary character, the hero and the villain of thousands of stories. They all left him for dead, but he lives with a false name in an isolated and humble inn, of which he is proprietary. Now nobody knows who is he. Until one night a traveler, Chronicler, recognizes him and begs him to reveal his real history to him. Finally Kvothe agrees. But there will be much to tell and it will take him three days. This day is the first one… Kvothe is the son of the director of an itinerant company of artists, The Edena Ruh. In this ambience Kvothe, a happy child, learns different arts.

For him, the magic doesn’t exist; he knows that there are tricks. Until one day he meets Abenthy, an old magician who has dominated the arcane knowledge, and knows how to call the wind. From this moment Kvothe only wishes to learn the big magic of knowing the authentic name of the things. But this is a dangerous knowledge and Abenthy, teaches him carefully and prepares him to join the University. 

One evening when his father was singing a new song about a few legendary demons, the Chandrian, Kvothe went to take a walk to the forest. When he returns, he discovers the wagons on fire and that everyone, also his parents, have been murdered. A few strangers were sitting near the bonfire, but then they disappear. For months Kvothe roamed frightened by the forest with his lute. When the winter came he went to the big city. He will join the university at his early age and this way he begins the search of The Chandrian.

The wise man's fear:

-Synopsis: The man had disappeared but the myth not. Musician, beggar, thief, student, magician, homeless, hero and killer, Kvothe had erased his track. And not even now when they have found him and the darkness invades the world, he is ready to return. But his story continues, and Kvothe will keep on telling it to reveal the truth behind the legend.

"Every wise man fears three things: the thunderstorm in the sea, the night without moon and the anger of a kind man"

-Summary: Kvothe continues with his studies but due to many problems, his friends advise him to leave the University.

Kvothe leaves the University and goes to Vintas, where a powerful noble needs his services. Trying to gain the favor of the maer Alveron, Kvothe discovers an attempt of murder and helps to court the loved of the maer. Also he runs a group of mercenaries to finish with the bandits who extort the ways where the noble's collectors of taxes travel.

As soon as the group of mercenaries finished, Kvothe discovers Felurian, an ancient and irresistible being, who belongs to innumerable stories. In spite of the fear of his partners, Kvothe chases the mythical woman, entering the kingdom Fata, from which no man has returned. Nevertheless, the ingenious Ruh tricked Felurian so she allowed him to go.

When he came back to Vintas he gets his reward for the services given to Alveron, but due to the hate of the maer’s wife to the Ruh, Kvothe is forced to leave Vintas back to the University where he meets again with all his friends.

Kvothe picked up his studies, and the maer promised him to pay his registrations, so he is for the first time with money and with a series of stories that go on from mouth to mouth. He seems closer to the solution of the mystery of the Chandrian, and his revenge.

Now I am going to speak about my opinion about both books in general because they seem fantastic to me.

It is a story inside a story since on is Kvothe who is telling his own life to Chronicler. Each book corresponds to one of the three days that Kvothe needs to report all his story to Chronicler. But also inside this story there are numerous stories. So many stories are due to the fact that the Edena Ruh, Kvothe’s family, are a nomadic tribe who collect and relate all kinds of stories.

A map from Rothfuss's world
Rothfuss can mix everything in a perfect way. The books have action, reflections, love stories and a big different world. It doesn’t only entertains you and fascinates you but it teaches you many things. He creates his own philosophy and you prosper with him. Its characters are deep and finished. They are Real.

It gives material to daydream months and months and enclose material to extract more books without sinning to stretch the story too much, because as I have already said, these books are full of stories inside stories.

Moreover, Rothfuss published in 2014 The slow regard of silent things, a small novel that goes deep into Auri, a character from this trilogy.

Auri is a girl of the university that went crazy and she lives in the university’s subsoil. She has a relation of strong friendship with Kvothe, who is always trying to take care of her. Talking about her like this seems like she isn’t too much, but she is a beautiful character.

Speaking about character, I am going to describe briefly a pair of very important characters for me:

-Denna: She is the loved one of Kvothe but there are nothing declared between them. Denna goes from man to man and is always changing her name. She never stays much time in the same place and when she goes away she doesn’t notify anybody. She is a very mysterious character.

-Elodin: He is a teacher of the university but he doesn’t teach anybody. Everybody think that he is crazy but in spite of this he is the most important member of the university. Kvothe will discover that he is a teacher of Names, the magic that he wants to dominate. But Elodin makes it very difficult to Kvothe.

-About Kvothe... I can say that he is a quite nice and very crafty red-haired young man. He begins from zero and can be considered a poor person. He loves music and his lute. He always goes for what he wants and commits some stupidity, although in the end it goes out well for him.

I could put a thousand quotes of the book. The day could pass saying things but I will be satisfied by showing some documents to you.

Patrick Rothfuss discusses The Wise Man's Fear

 Patrick Rothfuss gives us some spoilers about the final Kingkiller Chronicle novel! 

Please, teacher, read the books. You and all the class. You will love them!!! 

By: Luz Acosta Sánchez